Lokesh 31st May 2022

My first memory of Mr Stacey is as a (slightly intimidating) Shells English teacher. As I settled into my time at KES, this first impression was replaced by a more accurate one, and I began to see Mr Stacey as a passionate man with a great sense of humour who always expected your best, and who would be disappointed in you if you took your eye off the ball because he always wanted you to perform to your fullest potential. Shells English lessons were fun, and I have fond memories of reading and analysing Beowulf, A Christmas Carol and Spit Nolan. However, it was during Fourths and Fifths that I really began to appreciate Mr Stacey's passion for teaching English literature and his unwavering dedication to his students. It was a genuine joy to be taught by him, and his infectious enthusiasm when reading texts aloud was both entertaining and memorable. Given Mr Stacey's exasperation when he performed the line in front of us for the first time, I'll certainly never forget that Larry never flew a P-40. I also spent a lot of time with Mr Stacey honing my debating skills in preparation for various competitions in the Midlands and beyond. I wish I could thank him once again for the countless hours he poured into coaching me as well as ferrying the team from one place to another. On a final note, I will always be immensely grateful for the amount of belief Simon had in me. From the get-go he believed that I had the talent to be successful if I applied myself correctly. He was not afraid to hold back his criticism, and so I knew that whenever he praised a piece of work or debating performance, he meant exactly what he said. He was a fascinating and inspiring man who will be very dearly missed. Lokesh Jain (2017)