Jivan Singh Mann (2018)

I had the same trepidation in writing this message for Mr. Stacey as I had in writing my English homework for him when I was 15 years old. It seems only yesterday that I was trying to piece together the perfect words for an essay to do justice to the level of depth and passion with which he had taught us; not dissimilar to now writing this message trying to piece together the perfect words to do justice to his memory and impact on my life.  Mr. Stacey demanded the very best from his students and had an infectious passion for English which drove me to fully dedicate myself to the subject (a feat very few teachers have managed!) Initially praise was few and far between, but as I pushed myself to adapt to his new lofty expectations, I was slowly able to develop both personally and as a student. This made any kind words all the more impactful when they finally did arise.  This process taught me the value of perseverance and self-discipline as well as how much of an effect changing what you expect of yourself has; the most rewarding goals always require most effort. Once satisfied the class had the necessary work ethic and standards for performance, Mr. Stacey revealed another aspect of his character full of witty humour, laughter and dedication to his students above and beyond what was expected. Mr. Stacey’s belief in my academic ability was extremely influential in inspiring me to be confident that I can achieving anything I devote myself to and to put in the same meticulous effort and pride I put into his homework as I do in every piece of work that I undertake.   I was shocked to hear of the loss of such a brilliant man so soon. My dearest wishes go out to his family during such a difficult time. I hope it is some consolation that his memory will live on through the immeasurable impact he has had (and continues to have) on all those lucky enough to be taught by him.